
Welcome to the District

As a lifelong D.C. resident, I have seen the nation's capital evolve from conservative suits and a lackluster approach to an "au courant" capital of power and style. Can't you see it? D.C. wants to make it's mark in fashion. The purpose of starting this blog is to offer advice, promote local shops and designers, and to become a first class city of style. D.C. has the food, the culture, the diversity and the talent - but the package is not quite up to par. Not to worry, we are getting there! There is no time like to present to re-evaluate your style and ask yourself, "What am I saying today?" Every person has the right to their own personal style. However, many people are not owning their style. Personal style is a direct reflection of who you are and where you want to be. If you don't think fashion is a form of communication, then you won't communicate who you are as a person. You are what you wear. This blog is NOT about high-fashion, runway trends or making you into someone you're not. This blog is about YOU! It's about D.C. and our collective style. It's about appearing confident, capable and forward-thinking. Isn't that what you want to be saying through your work? Why wouldn't you want that to show through your style? In the coming days, I plan to introduce "The Answer," style's answer to The Secret. Just as The Secret is predicated on the Law of Attraction, The Answer is predicated on Attribution Theory - the manner in which people explain themselves/behavior either through external or internal influencers. Sounds technical, but it's really very simple. I want to encourage a dialogue about your style, personal style and DC style. Please email me with your questions and comments. Anything from "Does this go with that?" to "Can I wear this?" to "Where can I get that?" I want to hear from YOU! This your city and your style - now let's start speaking. Show me your District Couture. WelcometotheDistrict@gmail.com

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